Herd Mentality

Humans and other animals as well have a sense of collectiveness, the urge to be a part of some sort of tribe, group or community. The yearning to belong and connect with others is rooted deep in our being, stemming from ancient times humans have always sought for collectiveness for safety and camaraderie. Many animals and humans as well depend on collectiveness in order to survive and thrive. Although in some cases, it can result in conformity, exclusion, and polarisation, with people being pressured to conform to group norms or ostracised for being different.

The Swarm Studies by Random international is an example on how to display the effect of flocking or swarming in a more abstract manner. This installation consists of a large amount of lights which display patterns and formation responding to the presence of people in the space.

I think it would be interesting to explore how the feeling of collectiveness can be artificially recreated, as well as the up and downsides of this phenomenon. Behaviours such as flocking, murmuration and other swarm behaviours are ways to explore the collectiveness of artificial creatures.