RE: Todestriebe


When I was going through the set of ideas presented by the other fellow students the post by Isa-Jane immediately caught my attention. Even though I do not understand German language, I could feel that Todestriebe has a negative connotation and after a further research I realised that it is not very far away from my first assignment. My idea of a bot would circle around self-destructing tendencies of humans while Isa's explored the concept of the drive towards death and destruction. Indeed, even though survival makes up the foundation of our species we live in a world when very rarely we are expected to act upon our survival instincts. 

This concept has been explored recently in culture. A battle royale type of video games with only one last man standing (or one last team) has been very popular for the past eight years. The popularity of this concept was extended on such TV-series as Alice in Borderlands or The Squid Game. It is unimaginable for citizens living in safe and peaceful conutries what lenghts can humans reach in their strive for survival. On the contrary, people who for some reason do not posses the basic will to continue their lives express destructive behaviors that seem almost surreal for those with motivation to live. 

I like the initial example presented by Isa of fighting robots. I have seen multiple videos from BattleBots competitions where players build their bots as strong and armored as possible to demolish other player's bots.(BattleBots) It is a bit different than in the example presented by Isa where bots fight without a clear purpose. I would like to see similar competition to BattleBots but on a larger, maybe a battle royale size, scale. What makes Squid Game competition so stressful is a plausability of losing life. Would people fight as hard if they were about to lose the connection with their own-constructed Bot in a battle royale scenario? Would they start cooperating without being able to assess facial features of other players? I am really curious