Attraction Updates

Discover extra magic being added to guest favorites with these nifty updates!

Star Tours: The Adventures Continue

Joining the various scenes that are already a part of the Star Tours experience guests are now able to take an excursion to Maldo Kreis, and receive a transmission from Bo-Katan himself. Given that Star Tours: The Adventures Continue is known for famously being not cannon, and living in it's own time travelling world as such the Mandalorian scenes will simply be available regardless if guests are in the Original or Sequel trilogy eras for the ride.

Maldo Kreis

Maldo Kreis will be in the second rotation of scenes occurring after Star Tours escapes the authorities. The scene begins with the Starspeeder flying above the atmosphere, and soon the Razorcrest appears hovering in front of the Starspeeder. The Mandalorian sends a transmission to the small screen on the simulator's right.

The Mandalorian: There's a large bounty out for your ship, and I'm here to collect it.

The Razorcrest sends a blast towards the Starspeeder, but the vehicle maneuvers away from the blast.

C-3P0: R2, get us away from this mad man!

R2-D2 chirps up confirming that's what he was already doing. The Starspeeder flies past the Razorcrest, but the Razorcrest continues its fire. Guests can follow the movements of the Razorcrest by looking at the small screen on the simulator's right. As every shot misses the Starspeeder rid lighting whips past guest in the simulator, and hits a part of the icy canyon that the Starspeeder is flying through. With every blast from the Razorcrest hitting the icy canyon, chunks of ice fall down which the Starspeeder jerks around adding to the motion of already dodging the oncoming shots. However a shot connects causing the Starspeeder to go down.

C-3P0: We've been hit!

The Starspeeder crashes through an ice wall, and lands in a seemingly empty ice cave. However noises from the end of the tunnel are heard, like hundreds of spider legs running on a hard surface. Then they appear, hundrends of Krynka running towards the Starspeeder.

C-3P0: R2, get us out of here!

R2 manages to get the ship online and fire a few blasts opening a hole to flight out of. The Starspeeder escapes, and quickly enters hyperdrive allowing for the third randomized scene to occur.


Occurring after the second ranomized scene the Starspeeder intercepts a message from Bo-Katan. The message starts with her flying in, and removing her helmet.

C-3P0: A Mandalorian!

Bo-Katan: Hello Star Tours, you have someone vital to my cause.

C-3P0: The spy!

Bo-Katan: Precisely, the hold information I need to take back Mandalore. I'm sending you the coordinates now.

R2-D2 beeps cheerfully as the coordinates are transmitted to the Starspeeder.

Bo-Katan: Thank you Star Tours, the fate of Mandalore rests on you.

Bo-Katan puts her helmet back on and flies away as the transmission ends. The starspeeder enters hyperspace as C-3P0 gives off one final line before the next scene.

C-3P0: Onward for Mandalore!

Warehouse of Wonders

As time passes Warehouse of Wonders becomes more and more outdated with scenes utilizing and referencing films that have largely been forgotten by the public. With this refurbishment select scenes have been reworked to incorporate new movies that will excite guests, and make this attraction more relevant, more timeless and more Disney.

6B. Who Let the Apes Out?

Replacing the Lost in Space/Godzilla is Planet of the Apes, the first instance a 20th Century property in a Disney park. The scene will take riders into Ape City from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. From behind a barricade Malcom pops up warning guests that up ahead "There's danger, the apes are duking it out for power!" The vehciles spin around to reveal a screen depicting an battle between Caesar and Koba, ape to ape. The ride slowly backs into the large room for Scene 7.

7. Tale As Old As Time

As both 6A and 6B merge together they have been teleported into the ballroom from 2017's Beauty and the Beast. This scene replaces the general prop room that contained various props along with a Jumanji board game section. A large chandelier hangs from the ceiling with smaller one hanging around the perimeter. In the center of the room is a waltzing Belle and Beast, a copy of the animatronics from Tokyo just now the live action version and with Beast as well the beast! The vehicles will move inwards, outwards and spin around the waltzing couple joining the dance themselves. Throughout the room various characters are present as figures either singing, playing the music of dancing. Mrs. Potts, Chip and Cogsworth are on a dining cart with a projected face on Mrs. Potts singing the song and Cogsworth swaying along. In another part of the room Cadenza is playing his own keys for the rune of the song, and Chapeu (the coatrack) is playing the violin. Finally on top of another dining cart is Lumiere and Plumette dancing along to the song as well. The ride vehicles break away from the dance, and go down into the next scene.

8. Beautiful Briny Sea

With Flight of the Navigator now having its own ride, the former Flight of the Navigator scene has been replaced with a new scene inspired by a handful of films with underwater scenes. The scene starts off with guests passing under an undersea archway that once passed surrounds guests in a blue hued light. Using screens to build depth guests will be able to see the fish dancing in the Codfish Ball from Bedknobs and Broomsticks. In fact parked on the ocean floor is a bed that has Miss Elegatine Price and Charlie, Carrie, and Paul Rawlins all in amazement of the Codfish Ball. The screens end with a prop shipwreck with a gash in it allowing guests to go in.

However before entering a shipwreck guests will see Willoughby the Dog from Mary Poppins Returns doggy paddling midair, he's help up by hard to see wire. Inside the shipwreck guests will see Ellen cooking at the stove with nothing inside her pot! In fact her lid has floated away to the other side of the galley! When exiting the ship wreck Mary Poppins, Annabel, John and Georgie are all swimming above and around guests using a carousel system disguised as a bubble and seaweed whirlpool.

Right before exiting the scene into Scene 9 guests will be able to make out the Nautilus from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in the far off distance