
Welcome to the Kindergarten Classroom Website!

The website is going to be your go to place for parent resource pages, weekly updates, homework assignments, and more!

If you are having visitors from out of state come to stay with you please read through Trinity and the State of Hawaii's mandates.

Trinity's Policy:

Out-of-State Travel Policy Update:

Per our COVID19 Handbook:

  1. Trinity Lutheran School requires that parents inform the Office Manager immediately if any of the following occur:

    1. Student or household member travels outside of the state

    2. Any household that has a visitor staying with the family that has arrived from out of state (Please provide a negative COVID test from all guests)

    3. Student or household member tests positive for COVID-19

    4. Student or household member is in close contact (6 feet for more than 10 minutes) with an individual that tested positive for COVID-19

***In each of the cases listed above, students will be asked to stay home for 10 days as per HDOH guidelines or until a negative COVID-19 test can be presented. Teachers will do their best to continue education via online learning until they are cleared by the HDOH.

Your continued partnership will help ensure we can continue to keep our campus as safe as possible. Mahalo again for your support!

State of Hawaii's Policy:

Please note that starting November 24th ALL travelers need a negative test before getting on the plane to come to Hawaii or will have to quarantine 10 days upon arrival.

Thank you to all our Kindergarten families for connecting to ClassDojo!

If you haven't checked out the class' page yet, it is a great place to see daily pictures and updates. You are also able to comment on pictures and send messages to me in the app.

From the student view, your child can change how their monster looks, practice typing, draw digital images, and submit photos to me.

Recap of May 17th- May 21st

ELA - Students worked on letter teams that make a special sound. We reviewed that when s and h are next to each other they make the sound /sh/ and when c and h are next to each other they make the sound /ch/. The students learned that when t and h are next to each other they make the sound /th/ which sometimes has a buzz like in this and sometimes sounds like the th in thump. Students also learned that q has the letter u that helps it make the /qu/ sound.

Students also worked on end of the year reading assessments by reading passages to me.

Math-Students continued working with subtraction. Students learned about the symbols in a subtraction sentence, minus sign and equals sign. They also learned that the number after the equal sign is called the difference. Students learned multiple strategies on how to solve a subtraction problem. We practiced, drawing a picture, using objects, using a number line and using our fingers.

Students also worked on end of the year counting and number writing assessments.

Bible Study - Students learned the story of Philip and the Ethiopian. In a chariot, Philip explained the Scriptures to a man from Africa who wanted to learn more.

God wants all people to come to faith in Jesus and to receive salvation. He makes us His children as the Holy Spirit works faith in us through His Word and in Baptism.

Science -Students have continued learning about farms and plants. We focused on chicken and sheep farms. Students also learned about different crops that farmers grow.

Students continue to watch their seeds sprout. They have been very excited to see new sprouts almost every day.

Upcoming Events and Reminders


  • 28th - Last day of school! We will begin dismissal at 11:20. There is no After School Care this day.

  • 29th - First day of Summer Vacation!

Check out our Virtual Open House by clicking the link below: