L1 - About Defying Gravity

by Stephen Schwartz


Defying Gravity is a solo with duet sections that ends the first act of the musical Wicked by Stephen Schwartz. Wicked opened in 2003 and is based on the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz. It explores the nature of good and evil and offers up a new way of looking at the original film and it's characters. The duet is sung by the two main characters: Elphaba the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda - The Good Witch.

Defying Gravity is sung as the two witches barricade themselves into a high tower after the Wizard has threatened to kill them. Elphaba rises on her broomstick to escape and tries to convince Glinda to join her. As the guards burst in, Elphaba rises into the sky promising to fight the wizard. She is literally defying gravity but the song refers to Elphaba's vow not to give in and accept limitations placed on her. Just like defying the law of gravity, Elphaba is going to defy her position in life.

The Story

The musical begins with the death of Elphaba and through flashback we learn from Glinda that the two girls were at university together. Glinda was the popular, spoilt and beautiful one and Elphaba, the green skinned and misunderstood outcast. The two girls get send to help the Wizard of Oz, who Elphaba discovers is a corrupt dictator. She vows to fight his injustices by speaking out against the Wizard and defying his laws. As a result of this, Elphaba is considered 'wicked' and the Wizard turns the people against her, forcing her into hiding. In contrast, Glinda is considered 'good' though she lacks the courage to stand up to him.

In the end, Elphaba escapes the Wizard and Glinda comes to respect her strength and courage in standing up for what she believes to be right, becoming a better person herself through this realisation

The Characters:

As with any songs it is the words that are the starting point. In a musical or opera, it is also about where we are in the overall story, what has happened before and what will happen after, how the characters are changing and developing and what they are feeling.

When ‘Defying Gravity’ starts, how are Glinda and Elphaba feeling towards each other? How has this changed when they sing together at the end

‘I hope you’re happy now – my friend’

What emotions is Elphaba feeling at the beginning of the song and how has this changed by the end?

As you listen to and analyse the song in detail, never forget that the music must always serve the characters and the story they are telling.

Review Questions:

1) What are the names of the two characters that sing 'Defying Gravity'?

2) What film is 'Wicked' based on?

3) What character is based on the Wicked Witch of the West?

4) At what point in the musical does this song happen?

5) Though is more popular and beautiful than Elphaba, what does she lack that Elphaba has?

6) Where are they standing when they sing 'Defying Gravity?'

7) When did 'Wicked' open?