Song Difficulty List

One of three difficulty levels will be applied to the music you choose to perform solo and another to your chosen ensemble:

  • The Standard level is broadly equivalent to the type of piece set for a Grade 4 exam.

  • The More Difficult level is high that this (Grade 5 or above)

  • The Less Difficult level is lower (Grade 3 or below)

Edexcel has produced a booklet title GCSE, AS and A Level Music Difficulty Levels Booklet (see below), which gives the difficulty levels of a large numbers pieces.

Your teacher can advise you about difficulty levels, particularly if the pieces or instrument you choose are not in this booklet. You don't have to perform pieces that are set for graded exams or listen in this booklet.

Additional marks are available if you choose music at the Standard or More Difficult levels. It is a good idea to heave one or more easier pieces in reserve, just in case your first choices turn out to be too daunting as the exam gets near.
