Composition To A Brief

Briefs will be released on the 1st of September for assessment in the following exam series. The briefs will relate to each of the areas of study. The general themes of the briefs are listed below. Each brief will relate to a specific audience and/or occasion. You must compose to your chosen brief based on one of the areas of study. The composition may be for any instrument or voice, or combination of instruments and/or voices, and in any style, subject to the requirements of the selected composition brief.

Brief 1 – Instrumental Music 1700-1820

You should study instrumental forms which facilitate the development and extension of an opening melody such as binary form, ternary, rondo, theme and variations and fantasia.

You should practise harmonising and developing given melodies using the techniques of repetition, variation, extension and motivic working to sustain a piece with a varied and creative musical outcome.

You may work in any style, subject to the brief. You will be required to develop a given melodic phrase into a piece for one instrument and accompaniment.

Brief 2 – Vocal Music

You should investigate the relationship between the structure of vocal pieces and the structure of texts by studying a variety of song forms (for example da capo, strophic, verse/chorus) and word settings.

You should investigate the handling of instrumental accompaniments and/or backings.

You may work in any style, subject to the brief. You will be required to set words to music for voice and accompaniment.

Brief 3 – Music for Stage and Screen

You should study the techniques of underscoring moving images and composing incidental music for the stage to produce a satisfying and flowing succession of musical moods and atmospheres.

You should learn how to enhance visual or dramatic action in which the narrative and sequencing may not follow conventional forms and structures. If you choose to compose a show song you should learn how music, lyrics, and if appropriate, dance, combine to produce a theatrical result.

You may work in any style, subject to the brief. You will be required to compose a musical soundtrack in response to a given scenario.

Brief 4 – Fusions

You should learn how harmony, melody, rhythm and instrumentation combine to create a characteristic stylistic ‘feel’ in the music.

You should gain practice in the handling of these elements to create music in a range of styles and stylistic influences. You will be required to compose a piece based on two set musical styles or traditions.

The composition briefs will make compositional demands in terms of the treatment of ideas, techniques and structures but between them will be sufficiently open-ended to allow you the freedom to work in any style or genre or for any instrument. You should be aware of the specific assessment criteria against which the compositions will be marked.