12 Mark Questions

How to approach a 12 mark question

B Section answer - Release
How to approach a Question B answer

Below you will find examples of the types of questions you could be asked in the 12 mark section of your final exam.

AoS1 - Instrumental Music 1700 - 1820

J S Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No.5

Listen to the excerpts from two concerto grossos: one familiar and one unfamiliar.

The familiar extract, Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 3rd movement (0.00—1.45) will be played once.

The unfamiliar extract, Handel’s Concerto Grosso No. 6 2nd movement (0.00—1.16) will be played three times

Compare the use of melody, tonality, texture and instruments. Try to make 12 separate points.

Beethoven: Pathetique

Listen to the exposition from the 1st movement of Mozart’s piano sonata in C major (0.00-0.55), which will be played four times and the exposition of Beethoven’s Pathetique which will be played once

The Mozart sonata was composed in 1788, 10 years before Beethoven composed his Pathetique

Contrast Mozart’s style of piano writing in this expert with that of Beethoven's. Use your knowledge of musical elements, context and language in your response. (12 marks)

Try to make 12 separate points.

AoS2 - Vocal Music

Henry Purcell: Music For A While

Listen to the excerpts from two vocal pieces: one familiar and one unfamiliar.

The familiar extract, Purcell’s ‘Music for a While’ (1.27—2.50) will be played once.

The unfamiliar extract, Britten’s ‘Calypso’ (0.00—1.30) will be played three times.

Evaluate how effectively the Purcell and Britten set the texts to music (12 marks)

• Make points about how the composer sets the words in both extracts

• Make comparisons between the two works

• Each point must include musical detail

You should use your knowledge of musical elements, contexts and language in your response.

Queen: Killer Queen

Listen to the excerpts from two pieces: one familiar and one unfamiliar.

The familiar extract, Queen’s ‘Killer Queen’ (o.oo—1.30) will be played once. The unfamiliar extract, Radiohead’s ‘Creep’ (0.00—1.20) will be played three times.

Evaluate how effectively melody, harmony and use of instruments have been used in the extracts from these two songs (12 marks)

You should use your knowledge of musical elements, contexts and language in your response.

Try to make 12 separate points.

AoS3 - Music For Stage and Screen

Stephen Schwartz: Defying Gravity

Listen to the excerpts from two musicals: one familiar and one unfamiliar.

The familiar extract, Schwartz’s ‘Defying Gravity’ (0.00—2.10) will be played once. The unfamiliar extract, ‘There Are Worse Things I Could Do’ from ‘Grease’ by Jacobs and Casey (0.00—2.21) will be played three times.

Compare how effectively Schwartz and Jacob and Casey communicate both vocally and instrumentally both Elphaba’s and Rizzo’s state of mind and their emotions. (12 marks)

You should use your knowledge of musical elements, contexts and language in your response. Try to make 12 separate points.

John Williams: Star Wars

Listen to the excerpts from Leonard Bernstein’s work ‘On the Waterfront’, and John Williams’Star Wars IV: A New Hope

‘On the Waterfront’ is a 1950s American crime drama film. The main character witnesses a murder, and must provide testimony in court. However, the men who he is helping to bring justice are his own bosses, and are corrupt, dangerous men.

Evaluate how effectively the two experts set the mood for the opening of the film. (12 marks)

• Make points about how the composer sets the mood in both extracts

• Make comparisons between the works

• Each point music include musical detail

• Which piece do you think is more effective, and why.

Try to make 12 separate points.

AoS4 - Fusions

Afro Celt Sound System: Release

Listen to the excerpts from two pieces of fusion music

The familiar extract, Release, by Afro Celt Sound System will be played once.

The unfamiliar extract, ‘Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes’ by Paul Simon (0.00—1.53) will be played three times.

Evaluate how the fusion of music from other cultures and Western pop music has been achieved in these two extracts (12 marks)

• Make points about the use of instruments and voices

• Make points in particular about the use of texture and rhythm

• Each point must include musical detail

You should use your knowledge of musical elements, contexts and language in your response.

Try to make 12 separate points.

Esperanza Spalding: Samba Em Preludio

Listen to the excerpts from two pieces: one familiar and one unfamiliar.

The familiar extract, ‘Samba Em Preludio’ (o.oo—1.30) will be played once. The unfamiliar extract is the first 44 bars of the ‘Habanera’ from the opera Carmen by Bizet (0.00—1.51) will be played three times.

The first extract (Samba) is a lament about lost love and the second is a song about a women determined to have the man she fancies. Compare the different ways in which music is used to achieve the mood of each song. Use your knowledge of musical elements, contexts and language in your response.

Try to make 12 separate points.