Pure Contour

Hand Holding a Rubber Band

Graphite pencil on drawing paper

9" x 12" 

Side View of a Shoe

Graphite pencil on drawing paper

9" x 12" 

Front View of a Shoe

Graphite pencil on drawing paper

9" x 12" 

Top View of a Shoe

Graphite pencil on drawing paper

9" x 12" 

The main idea of this artwork was to have just the contour lines of an object. What guided me through this was the object I held or my shoe, I just positioned the shoe accordingly. 

The materials I used for all of these artworks was a regular graphite pencil on drawing paper.

During the process of these drawings, I just followed only the contour lines of the object I was drawing and made sure there were no shading or sketchy lines anywhere and followed all the details and simple shapes of those objects.