Foundations of Art

My work illustrates my strengths and weaknesses as a learner because, throughout the year, all the different projects we have done using many different materials and skills have given me a chance to realize what I am good at and enjoy, and also the artwork I have more trouble with. For example, I noticed a weakness in wire sculpture by definitely noticing I am not as good with tools rather than a more creative piece of artwork like paintings or assemblage pieces.

My work shows I improved through the pictures I have taken and kept throughout the year seeing the projects we have done and have recreated or done something similar to later in the year, shows the progression of skill and creativity I have done. For example, at the beginning of the year, artwork that included painting and drawing I seemed to not spend nearly as much time or thought into what I was making and didn’t have the skills I have gathered throughout the year now. At the end of the year, now, I can see that my paintings and drawings have gotten a lot better by showing more of a theme in the artwork rather than just a regular drawing.

The most challenging project for me was the wire sculpting because I noticed I am not the best with tools and I kept running into little problems that made it difficult for me to make my artwork look how I wanted it to. Another reason it was challenging for me was because I kept getting frustrated, leading to me not wanting to continue and making it a longer process for myself. However, in the end, it ended up fine but still the most challenging project for me. 

The project I’m most proud of is my college project. I think this because I think I recreated the original collage that I made with newspaper, as a painting very well by each detail. I am proud of how I matched the colors to the original well and got the details down to exactly how it was or if I changed anything, it matched up anyway. 

My artistic goal for the summer or the future is just to keep doing the art that I enjoy and am good at because not only is it just relaxing but it’s a great way to find what you are good at and learn along the way.