Art History

Aaron and Gogh


For this art piece, I had to combine two artists we looked at for the art history midterm, I chose Vincent Van Gogh and Aaron Douglas, and I had to combine the two artists in some way. The original way I was going to do this was one collaborative work, but instead, I chose to split a scene into their different styles respectively. I chose the styles of both, split the page, and drew on either side what a scene by them would look like.

For materials, I used an Ipad and an Apple Pencil. I wanted to draw digitally for this assignment because I wanted to experiment, and when I started I wasn't sure what to do, and digital art you can easily experiment with. I eventually landed on this design. I tried to combine both styles in a way, but they are just so different I couldn't find a way to have them both show through in one scene. So, I cut the page in half, and on the left, I would draw an Aaron Douglas scene, and on the right, I would draw the same scene but in the style of Van Gogh.

The process of making this wasn't too hard after I figured out what to draw. I started off with picking colors, then taking on color and making a darker and lighter variation of the color with the tools of this app. After choosing the colors I started to draw the left side first because I wanted to have the right side be based on the left, not the other way around. After I drew the greens blues and purples, I took some circle templates and the watercolor tool and made the effect Aaron Douglas has in his drawings. Then I moved to the right side using the same colors, I made almost rectangle dots and dashes in the direction I wanted the swirls to move, After doing all this I took the blending tool and blended it all together in the Van Gogh swirly pattern.