
Artist Statement

For this project Mr. Andreson had us use a minimum of three photos to create a surrealism photo and the majority had to be photos that we took. I took an up close picture of my eye and two pictures of my hands making hearts. It took me so many tries to get the eye picture because I couldn't get it right but the hand pictures were much easier to work on.

This is obviously my favorite photo because it's my only photo but I actually am really happy with the way this turned out. When taking the photo of my eye I didn't want my pupil to be too small, I wanted the eye to be clear, and I wanted to show my full eye along with my eye liner. Trying to make all of those things happen at the same time while trying to take a picture of your eye with your back camera of your phone is tricky. Eventually, I got a picture that I didn't hate. As far as the hand pictures they were pretty easy all I had to do was make a heart with each hand and take two different pictures, even though they needed to have the same lighting it was pretty easy because I used artificial light. I love how I brought the opacity of the hands down which make them blend so much better with my eye.

I was able to get more used to photoshop with this project and I was able to troubleshoot some problems that I ran into. The biggest problem being how to make my hands look small enough to fit in my eye. I solved this by putting the hands in a different project tab and changing their image size and then saving that image and adding it to the photo of my eye. I think I'm getting better at photoshop and I think this project turned out really nice because when else are you going to see two hands in an eye.