Donate Life Design

Frog House

Materials - Acrylic, Watercolor, and Pen

Size - 9"x11"

The main idea of this piece was supposed to bring awareness to how important being an organ or tissue donor is. I wanted to convey this message with a cute and positive image along with a slogan to match. By choosing the words "Help someone hop along, consider organ and tissue donation" I thought it'd be a cute play on the little frogs that I painted. I hope this was able to encourage someone to become a donor, I know that when I get my license I'm going to be because who know's whose life you could save.

This work was made by me first doing a rough sketch of a mushroom and I decided to add the little extensions to make the composition more interesting. After that I decided where I wanted my horizon line because I wanted enough room for my frogs but I also wanted to make a cool colored sky. Once my frogs and clouds were traced I decided to start my painting, the first thing I painted was the sky using a variety of watercolors. Once I was happy with the sky I traced the clouds in black pen to make them stand out. Next, I painted the house and it was done partly in watercolors and partly in acrylic paint, I wanted a light tan color for the stalk and then a bright red color for the tops on the mushroom, I painted a cute little door and then finalized my painting by outlining in pen. After that, I painted my grass with two different shades of green and made certain spots darker so that I could outline them with pen and show little pieces of grass. Lastly, I painted my frogs in acrylic so that they'd stand out from the grass.

Before drawing this I had to figure out what I wanted to do, I had another idea with a cherry blossom tree and a waterfall but it didn't feel right. I decided on this one and looked up numerous photos of mushrooms so that I could get a good idea of what I wanted my mushroom to look like. It took me many tried to get the right proportions and placement of my mushroom house. I did the same with frogs except I looked at drawings because I didn't want my frogs to be super realistic, I wanted them to look more cartoony. I experimented with all sorts of colors and different compositions, at one point this was even going to be a landscape horizontal piece.