Wire Sculpture


Materials - Wire

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Materials - Wire

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Floral Vase

Materials - Wire

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Artist Statement

There isn't really an idea behind my work, I chose to do a vase with a flower in it because I really like flowers and I thought the vase would be an interesting subject. The tower and cube didn't have an idea either but I think that you can see the way I struggled.

The tower was made by me making 10 links and connecting them using a fishhook connection technique. The cube was made by me making two square shapes and 8 links and connecting them all using the fishhook connection. They required lots of wire, wire cutters, and pliers. I, unfortunately, didn't finish the final vase and flower by the late work deadline so I don't have an image of it. But I made it using many different-sized circles and lots of links to keep everything together. I made the flower by twisting a bunch of wire to make the stem and bending wire to make leaves. I used thin wire to make the flower petals and the center of the flower.

I didn't research how to work with wire but I had some previous experience making rings. I also watched and followed along very closely with the teacher to see how to do everything. I definitely practiced a lot and the tower and cube can be considered practice for the final piece. I had to re-do a few connections because I just couldn't get them right. Working with wire was definitely an experiment but I have no intentions of working with it again at least not using fish hook connections.