
Begging for the Sun: Collage

Materials - Magazines

Size - 8"x11"

Begging for the Sun: Painting

Materials - Acrylic

Size - 9"x12"

In my work I wanted to show a mix of tarot card art and hieroglyphic art. I chose the woman who is on her knees and the sun because the sun was thought of very highly in Egyption culture. With my use of the frame I wanted to try and separate the woman from the sun. I loved the chaos of the background and the patterns that I put on the black squares are supposed to represent the energy around the woman and the sun.

This work started with me searching through many magazines to find different clippings that I thought were interesting enough to use. I wasn't sure what I wanted to make but I knew there were certain things that really stood out to me like the sun and the frame. Once I gathered all my piece and figured out my composition I started my sketch, I drew the frame first, then the sun, then the background, and lastly the woman and the vase. I knew that the easiest part to paint would be the background so I started to fill it in with a pretty neutral color scheme but adding red to pop the shall that the woman is supposed to be wearing. After I had my background all done I did the sun and the frame to follow, before I started the things inside the frame I decided to add all the lines on the black parts of the background. Lastly was what's inside the frame, I started with a tan-ish color for the background and then a reddish brown for the vase and cup. The I started on the woman, I wanted to give her a brown outfit and then the red shawl over her like in the collage.

Before making this I did look at some images of tarot cards to get the sort of feel for them, they all have different styles but there were a few that really matched the way my sun looked. I went through the most change with my collage, as soon as I saw the sun I knew that I had to use it but the way I planned on using it changed so many times. At one point there was fruit and flowers involved and even some sort of coral.