Multiple Exposure

Artists Statement

For this project we had to take some portraits and layer them with some sort of background. I went out with my friend Cormac and took a few pictures of him along with some pictures of flowers. I really liked to focus on the florals and the sun picture had been taken a few weeks ago. I really liked the angles that I took the photos from, the first one was a profile view, the second one was a straight on view, and the last one was an above view.

I think my favorite photo is the last one, I really like this photo because I love the angle of the portrait along the background. The background was taken in Lewiston at this park, it had just rained and was really foggy but the sun was starting to peak through the clouds. The portrait was of him blocking the sun from his eyes so I thought it was really cool that the photo that was layered with him was a photo of the sun.

I learned a lot about photoshop while doing this since I'm not super experienced with it. I learned about the quick select tool which made this whole process so much easier. I also saw how because he was wearing a white shirt photoshop confused it with the background which definitely takes away from the third photo. I really like the first photo but I think he looks very saturated, the second photo just seems quite boring to me, and the third photo would look better with a black background because you can really see the background on his shirt. Overall I kind of like my final products but I recognize that they could be better.