
A Broken Hand

Material - Pencil

Size - 6.5"X10"

The Colors of Fall

Materials - Pencil and Watercolors

Size - 10"X7.5"

The Progression of Chaos

Materials - Pencil and Pen

Size - 10"X1.5"

In my first piece you can see the shape and starge position of my hands, also I know the knuckle bends look weird but my hands for some reason bend at just the first knuckle a lot. It's significant to me because it's a joke with me and my friends that my hands are just broken because they aren't normally supposed to just bend at the first knuckle so I made sure to chose positions that would show that obscure position. In my second piece I had chosen very colorful beautiful leaves and I wasn't truly able to show their color in a pure contour drawing so I wanted to showcase their beauty with the background. In my last piece I wanted it to sort of just resemble a mess, while creating it I was just thinking about how fast my mind can be clouded with anxiety and depression and just sort of take over in a dark, messy, chaos.

The first piece was obviously made with pencil because you have to worry about messing up and going back and re doing certain things. There is also the shading around the edge to try and show depth, I think the choice of pencil was the best choice because with something more aggressive I don't think I could get the right look or effect. The second piece needed pencil to start because I had to make sure I was able to get the details of the leaves and if I were to mess up I could fix things. Then I used watercolors so that I was able to get a vibrant color but I'd also be able to blend it with the other fall colors that I chose. In the last piece I used pencil so I could get a rough sketchy idea of what I wanted my progression to look like. I then used pen so that it would stand out more and as more lines were added I was able to make them look somewhat distinct.

For all of them the process was really just trying it in pencil and tweaking it when things didn't look right. In the first one my hand started to cramp but I just really needed to get the right curves. In the second one getting the right points on the leaves took lots of trial and error. In the third one I didn't have very much I had to redo but it would bother me when it just looked like a bunch of x's. My next steps for the first one could be add more detail or add something to the background. My next steps for the second one could be make the edges look cleaner also add some more yellow the the background. My next steps for the last one could be continuing the strip or redoing it with a different pattern.