Extended Blind Contour

Layered Chaos

Materials - Pencil and Pen

Size - 10"X6.5"

There isn't necessarily a story to go along with this but it's pretty visually evident that this is a piece following one line and trying to capture the details of a face and a hand. This project also doesn't really relate to me or my life other than the fact that they're my body parts. While creating this trying to grasp the details in a hand in a face was pretty difficult because I didn't really have any idea about what mine was supposed to look like or how detailed it was supposed to be.

I used pencil at first because I wanted there to be a visual difference in the two layered drawings and then I used pen because I figured Sharpie would be much to thick and possibly would ruin the piece. Something that thick would also be hard to make details with, also it had the possibility of taking over the whole piece.

I had many different drafts because trying to get the right details so it looked somewhat nice instead of just a complete mess was difficult for me. There were some drafts with close ot no details and some that just didn't layer in a flattering way. This definitely evolved because originally it had looked nothing like a face because I wasn't able to get the proportions just right. If I were to g=do this again I'd try and get more instruction because while creating this I just couldn't figure out if I was doing it wrong or how it was supposed to look.