
The Front of 3D

Material - Pencil

Size - 11"X8.5"

The Corner of 3D

Material - Pencil

Size - 11"X8.5"

The Lounge

Material - Pencil

Size - 12"X9"

The Shining

Materials - Pencil, Pen, Sharpies, and colored pencils

Size - 12"X9"

In the first two pieces there isn't anything visually evident or a story behind them. The third one kind of has a story I added some details that reminded me of a room in this recurring dream I have and I tried to somewhat make it look like that room. The last piece does have a story, it's a hallway in our school and I was watching horror movies while making it so that's the theme I decided to give it. The last two pieces have more to do with me personally and especially the last one because The Shining was actually the first "horror" movie I ever watched and it's what got me into that genre of movies.

The materials used in the first 3 pieces were just pencil and a LOT of eraser, pencil was obviously the smartest choice considering how many times you may have to erase or redo lines. I also used a ruler a lot to get the correct perspectives. In the last piece I had started it the same way I started the 3rd piece but I knew because it's a summative I needed to show more creativity so I added patterns in different colors and the blood dripping as well as the knives in the wall.

The process of the first two were moderately simple but they did come with trial and error because I had to make sure everything looked right even though it's just following lines for the most part. They didn't really evolve much but it did find it cool how I could just draw a line or shape and then have a 3d perspective shape. My next steps for them would be making them into something probably. The process of the 3rd piece was pretty complicated because as I added more features I had to erase parts of others ones that I had spent a while on. It came with lots of trial and error because getting everything right was a big struggle for me. It was originally was a very plain boring room but I think I was able to transform it into a more intriguing room. My next steps could be adding color. The process of the last piece was similar to the third piece just with more steps. I made the room in pencil but because it's a summative I knew I needed to show more creativity. This was my third try my first one just looked bad so I gave up on it, my second try I spilt wax on it, and my third try I finally got it right with my colorful patterns on the floor and ceiling and then the blood dripping down the walls to give it a little spice also I wanted to incorporate "redrum" the movie The Shining. My next steps could be choosing different patterns or doing a different area or fixing the redrum and make it fit with the perspective.