Wire Sculpture

10- Link Tower

18 gauge annealed wire

Wire Cube

18 gauge annealed wire

Scrapy Horseshoe

18 gauge annealed wire

Artist Statement:  

The main idea that guided my artwork is the horseshoe that I brought into class. This horseshoe was a little old as it was from three years ago. I chose a horseshoe because I like to try and include horses/my horse in a lot of my projects or just whenever I can and I thought this would be an interesting project to try and include him in. 

For this artwork, I used 18 gauge annealed wire from school as well as needle nose pliers and wire cutters. I didn't really choose these materials as they were what was provided for this project.

Throughout this project, I went through a lot of phases of emotions. This project made me very angry at times which was most of the time. I started by choosing my object which was a horseshoe and then I started to make circles to be kind of like a structure for the horseshoe. I then started to make stabilizers to make it a little more sturdy, but it didn't really work as it was still fairly floppy and couldn't stand up, but I worked at it which didn't really do anything, but it made it a little more sturdy in the horseshoe shape, but it still didn't stand.