Assemblage Sculpture

Idea Generation Sketches

Graphite on copy paper

Golden Clownfish 

Cardboard + Magazines + Glue + Water 

16" x 8" x 1.25"

Artist Statement: 

The main idea that guided my artwork was a picture of a clownfish that I found with a google search. I chose this because I love the colors and how the white and orange look on a fish and they were a pretty simple shape that I thought I'd be able to handle pretty easily. 

For this artwork, I used cardboard for the structure which I had two layers because I decided to use another 3 pieces of cardboard for the white parts. I then started using pieces of magazines to surface my fish. 

Throughout the process of creating this artwork I started by first figuring out that I wanted to do a fish and originally I wanted to do a goldfish but I liked the shape of clownfish a lot more. I then started with the structure as I explained in the last paragraph, I then added the magazine pieces that I ripped out of magazines and used glue to stick them on my fish.