Pure Contour

Hand Holding a Rubber Band

Graphite pencil on drawing paper


Side View of a Shoe

Graphite pencil on drawing paper


Front View of a Shoe

Graphite pencil on drawing paper


Top View of a Shoe 

Graphite pencil on drawing paper


Artist Statement: 

While going through this unit the main idea that guided my work was the pure contour lines because I knew that at the end of my sketching, I would have to go back and make the lines more pure/dark. 

I did all of my work on drawing paper and with a graphite pencil in case I made mistakes so I could erase my sketchy lines.

For all of my drawings, I started by sketching very lightly so that I could get the right shapes and put the lines in the right places. After I finished sketchy the whole thing, I would go back over my sketchy lines and make them darker so that the lines look more pure. After all of the lines are pure, I would erase any sketchy lines that the dark pencil marks didn't cover.