
Ice Cream Cone House

2h graphite pencil, colored Pencils,  and a black pen, drawing paper 

8" x 12"

Artist Statement: 

The main idea that guided my artwork was the prompt that I chose. This prompt was very simple and straight to the point. "Draw an ice cream cone house." 

During the process of drawing this ice cream cone house. I used a 2h graphite pencil to sketch, a black pen to outline the different parts of the house, and colored pencils to give the house some characteristic. 

When I first started my drawing I used a reference photo to look at all the details of an ice cream cone. Specifically the swirls on the ice cream and the lines on the cone so that I could make it look as realistic as possible. When I was creating this drawing I was going for a more realistic look than a fun or goofy look, but I don't think you can have a realistic ice cream cone house. I also tried to highlight the specific lines and swirls in the drawing with darker colored pencils because I wanted it to be recognizable as an ice cream cone. I made the house in the center because I was going to add a background, but decided against it.