Sgraffito Clay Tile


Out of Time

This project is sgraffito, for this project I started by rolling out clay to about a half centimeter thick then I let it dry. Clay takes a while to dry so while it was drying I began to do the sketch for it. I started by drawing my idea on a piece of paper, then I did it on scratchboard the same size as the clay tile I made. After about a week the clay was ready.

The first step for the clay was to clean the edges. After that step, I had to add on the undercoat. The undercoat is the black part that I would be scratching off, I had to do three coats going horizontal and vertical every other time. Once the undercoat was dry I started my design for the first design I did waves behind a small island with palm trees and sunrise. For the second one, I did an hourglass with all the sand almost gone but my original idea for it was a flower.

Out of the two, I like the Oasis much better I put much more time and effort into it then the other. I changed my idea many times with the hourglass which I think made me like it less. I enjoyed doing this project however it was a struggle for me when it came to picking out the pattern and designs.