Candy Still Life

For this project, I first had to make spheres using four different materials. I made the spheres by drawing a circle then a horizon line and then I colored and shaded. My favorite is the colored pencil one. For the second drawing I drew a candy still life. I did this by first taking some candy to create the still life. To start I took a Jolly Rancher out of its wrapper and cut the label off then glued it to the piece of candy, then I took a Kit Kat and took a bite of it then glued it on the paper. I also used the rapper of the Kit Kat. Lastly I took little candies from a candy neckless and and put those on there.

The point of the first one was to practice with the different utensils. The four I used were ink, charcoal, colored pencil and water color. my favorite to work with was the ink so I decided to use that one as my main utensil for the candy still life. Drawing the pieces of candy was not easy I had to blow it up a lot. My favorite piece of the drawing is the Kit Kat wrapper and the blue raspberries.

Overall I am not a huge fan of the candy still life, I think it could be a lot better and more actuate. I think something I could have done a lot better on was the background I think I either should not done one for made it more detailed. On the other hand I think my spheres came out good and I am happy with them and I enjoyed making them. Also with the sphere project I found more a materials that I really like using.