Circle Project

The Black Dot




For this project I started by doing a stop light drawing. The subject for this project was circles. I ended up doing two projects because I finished my first one pretty quickly. My first project was the stoplight with acrylic and watercolor paint and for my second project I did splatter painting with acrylic paint and then black acrylic circles over the splatter.

For the first one I started by drawing the light then I painted the background with blue watercolors. Then I colored the light first I drew the circles to be the different colored parts. I used black watercolor to do the base of the light. I then took acrylics in red, yellow and blue to make different shades of them and took a back of a paint brush to make dots of the colors in the circles then I went over with watercolors in the coordinating colors. For the second one I just took different acrylic colors and mixed them with water to make it so that they could move better and flick off the paint brush. After I did all the splattering I wanted I took a circle template and drew different size circles then filled them in with the black acrylic.

I like my first idea better then my second because I think it was more creative however I like how my second one was done better. My favorite part of the first one is the colored part of the light and my favorite part of my second one is the color contrast. If I could change one thing ono each I would want to spend more time on the light to make it more detailed and I would want to make the circles and boarder a little cleaner on the second one.