Elements & Principles of Design Diptych

Circles within circles


This project started out with me making a matrix of the Elements & Principles of Design. This part was a challenge for me because I could not figure out what to do and how to connect the different elements and principles. Once I finished the matrix I picked out two that I was going to connect. But after we went over them in class I decided to change one of the original to one of the ones that other people in the class liked more. The two designs that I chose were kind of simple but still nice the first one was a pattern with lines going in different directions and the second one was the rectangle split in half diagonal with three circles and a heart forming a square.

For the one with the lines I started by drawing the pattern then I drew small circles in the center that way I could connect the two designs. I colored the circles with different colored sharpies. For the outer set of lines I painted them with colored ink and for the inner set I colored them with water colored pencils. For the second one I used sharpie to fill in the circles to have the same color and design as the first and I also colored the hearts in sharpie as well. I chose colored pencils that matched the blue and pink colors of the hearts to do as the background on the opposite sides and filled them in. For one side I did regular colored pencils and for the other I did water colored pencils. After I finished, I decided to go back over the first one with sharpie to clean some parts up.

I liked these and I think they look good together and had good connections. I think I liked the first one better especially after having cleaned it up. I am also glad I decided to change my original idea because that one was a tennis racket and ball and I think they would not have connected as well and it would of had to much white space in the background. One thing that I do wish I had changed was to do something different with the background of the second one because I wish it was thicker.