Foundations of Art

At the beginning of the year I had never really taken an art class before and didn't know what I was getting into. I remember when I first went in it was a lot to take in. The first assignment we got was the WhatchamaDRAWit (a "game" with a set of cards with prompts to draw on them). I was very confused and didn't know what the point was for this. For this project I didn't really seem to care that much about it either I just took out a pen and drew a flower with tentacles and a snout, which was my prompt for the WhatchamaDRAWit, in just a pen in the center of the paper. As the class went on I began to start caring more and taking more time. For the beautiful oops I was so proud of it but I didn't have time to color it which still makes me upset to this day. Unfortunately I didn't really start caring until about the blind contour project.

I learned to use so many new skills and techniques in Foundations of Art. The first material I used in this class that I was taught to use was water color I liked this material but I felt like I could never get the colors like I wanted them. I liked learning how to use each material. I think one of the most memorable things was the colored pencils because when ever I see something asking for technique I always think of burnishing. One of the hardest project for me was the ink and charcoal I struggled with the detail and realisticness of it.

I think I had great progress over the year and I am very happy with my progress. Each time I made a project it became my new favorite. The hardest project for me was the wire sculpture. It was hard because the wire was hard to bend and making sure everything was fishhooks was really hard. I think the project/ material that was the for me was painting I really enjoyed mixing the paints to get the colors I wanted and I just really enjoyed it because I didn't feel like it had to be perfectly realistic to my references.

If I could go back to the beginning of the year I would want to go through and try so much harder on all my work. Art became on of my favorite classes because the class its self when there was work periods was very relaxing to me, and I look forward to being able to to take 2D design next year.