Time Capsule

For the time capsules I had three different prompts. They were drawing a self portrait, draw your hand in an interesting position and draw something you depend on regularly. I started with the self portrait and used a mirror to draw my face. I focused on my eyes the most and added more detail to them then the rest of my face. Then for the hand I started by doing an OK sign but I couldn’t get my thumb to look right so I decided to change it to have my thumb go out straight instead of bending it. Then once I drew my hand I decided to draw my scrunchie and ring as well. Then lastly I had to draw something I rely on daily so I drew my water bottle. ON my water bottle I have a sticker so I drew that on it.

For the self portrait I just did a normal kind of sketch of my head then I spent extra time on my eyes. So I drew detailed eye lashes, eye brows and pupils. Then for my hand I spent most time making sure my fingers were bending right and that my knuckles had the right pattern and I added detail to my scrunchie which I used colored pencils to color and ring. For my water bottle I spent most time on the lid for the lid I used both pen and colored pencil so that I could do different shades of black and I colored the base of the bottle a blue green with colored pencil.

I liked my hand and water bottle sketches the best I wasn’t a big fan of my self portrait and I think I should have just spent more time on it. The sticker on the water bottle and the scrunchie are probably my favorite things in my time capsules.