Sustained Investigation #3

Money Taco

This is my third and final Sustained Investigation project. I had no idea what to do for my last one Especially since the first two came so easily to me. My dad gave me the idea to put money in the taco shell and since I had wanted to do splatter painting for the background of my second sustained investigation project I chose to do that for the background of my third one. I started with the background doing the splatter painting. I did a bunch of different colors so that it would stand out more and be more colorful since my inquiry question focuses on color.

After I finish the background I started on the taco I sketched out an area that I was going to place the taco and painted the whole thing over and white so that the color of the shell and money would stand out more and not have the background colors showing through. I mix together some yellows to make the color for the taco show and painted that first. I meant mixed together a green for the money I painted a bunch of rectangles in the Shell to form the shape of the money. Then I made it darker green to go in with detail. I didn't want to focus too much on the actual bill so I chose to put the year’s date 2020 instead of an actual number of an actual bill. After I was finished with that I made it brown and put it on the spots that were slightly raised from splatter painting to add more detail to the shell itself.

I like this project a lot and I feel a personal connection to this project through my dad. This project I am proud of even though I feel like it could be better and have more I would challenge behind it. out of all the three sustained investigation projects, this is the one that I spent the most time and effort on because I have the time to do it.