2D Design

This year I took 2D Design, I started going into the year not wanting to do an art class and thinking this was not going to be fun. I'd say with the first week I still thought it was something that I was just required to do, However, I see your progress I begin to get more involved in the class and enjoyed it a lot more. the class again something that I began to look forward to at the end of the day and it would be relaxing to come and be able to for the most part create art that I wanted to create. I would say by the time that it got to the circle projects is when I really got into the class I feel this way because it's the first time. I cared enough about the projects to actually create two works and push myself to go farther on the second one and try harder.

Favorite part about the class was the fact that I really got to choose my own materials and for the most part, my own designs and it was just a lot broader than foundations was and I was actually expecting not to like that but as the semester progressed I really started to enjoy having my own say on my work. I like 2D design far better than I liked Foundations. My favorite materials to work with is acrylic paint and I really enjoyed this class because it allowed me to be able to use that for almost all of the projects and to be able to expand my abilities with that material.

I've never really been into art and this class I think pushed me in my abilities to create what I could and helped me enjoy the class and the skill a lot more. As it came near the end of the class I became sad that it was ending. Unlike most classes I was really stressed out with this class and especially a little later into the class I really enjoyed being there. It really pushed me to challenge myself in my imagination and I think one of the best parts is being able to look back at my entire Google sites page and seeing my progress from last year to this year