Covid-19 Visual Response



The story behind this piece is I wanted to create a mystical dream like landscape revolving around the Coronavirus outbreak. This piece relates to my life because it is my response to Covid-19 as artistically as I could.

I used all acrylic paints in many layers to create this entire piece.

I started off by outlining the basic shapes, the bottle, the river, the sky, and the ground in pencil. Then I went over it with acrylic paints, kinda making it up as I went because I didn't really know which colors I wanted to use for the landscape and I realised that I had a lot of blue and purple paint so I went with that. I then used the smallest paintbrush I could find to add the small details in the river, on the bottle, and on the masks. This piece evolved when I added the stars and the comet in the sky and when I added the highlights in the river and the masks. My next steps would be to add a Purell logo onto the bottle to specify that it is hand sanitizer.