Talisa G


The Crisis of Consciousness


Installation view 16 pieces

9 pieces charcoal on paper -various sizes

7 pieces mixed media on Canvas - various sizes – larger canvas 102cm x 76cm

My artwork, ‘The crisis of Consciousness,’ was designed to conceptualise the inner turmoil experienced when living with PTSD.

Using a monochromatic colour scheme and an Expressionist style. Represented by a mix of two-dimensional crowd scenes, ink portraiture and linear crowd fight scenes, I created individual canvases and paper workings to express the combination of sorrow, anger and the dissociative states that occur in extreme cases of depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

The anxieties expressed vividly within the individual portraiture are directly juxtaposed to the unease experienced through the crowd scenes, which illustrates the often conflicting and confusing symptom of dissociation when faced with trauma reminders.

My artworks are designed to be graphic and uncomfortable to look at and communicate the narrative of pain to the audience. The installation view allows for a subjective and personal experience of the combined art pieces.