Ellen H


Holding Eden


Graphite on paper - 12 pieces

4 pieces 49cm x 49cm

8 pieces 17cm x 15cm

My Body of Work aims to convey the sentiment of my upbringing in the rural setting of Queensland's Mary Valley. The rich experiences of my uncle's farm exposed the family to the beauty of the Australian landscape. He taught us how to respectfully interact with flora and fauna before consuming adolescence and other priorities.

In showing this sense of nostalgia, the overcast atmosphere brings a sense of sadness in the reality of growing up, but the contents in the drawings have a touch of warmth. Each of the primary four drawings contains the recurring motif of distorted sized hands as the symbol of my Grandfather's guidance and tying to the biblical story of God and the garden of Eden.

Exploring is a way of discovering a narrative where we are merely journalists. The four large scale drawings hold the meaning of learning, discovery and creating a sense of home. The small drawings symbolise a traditional "clothes line".They contain various nursery rhymes and significant symbols relating to being a child growing up on a farm. My artwork encourages audiences to appreciate the playfulness of childhood, nurturing of family, and appreciating places of inspiration.