Jackson M


Customisable Child Centric Prosthetic Arm

CAD / CAM, Electronics, Automation

CLICK on the image to the right to view a video of the student's Major Design Project.

SCROLL below to view images and to read the student's description of (and the motivation behind) their MDP.


It is estimated that 1 in 2 child amputees suffer from psychological implications due to being an amputee and wearing prosthetics. With prosthetics' emerging technology and capabilities, amputees can replace the majority function of their missing or amputated limb. Although this is excellent, the current designs on the market are often not visually appealing, customisable, or child-centric. This generally leads to child amputees often not wearing their prosthetics or having a negative outlook and being self-conscious, thus eliminating their effectiveness in restoring the function of the lost or amputated limb/ body part.

As a result of the detrimental physiological implications of prosthetics for child amputees, it became evident that this issue was important to address. As a result, it motivated me to design a solution around this specific need.

Utilising my knowledge in electronics and automation, I have developed a working model of a low cost, customisable, child-centric prosthetic targeted towards child amputees with lower arm amputation aged between 5 -14 years old. The aim is to eliminate the negative feelings that child amputees may have due to their prosthetic and help them feel invested in it by being able to express themselves through customisation and personalisation.