Alyssa L


Long Term Homeless Housing Community

Architectural Design

CLICK on the image to the right to view a video of the student's Major Design Project.

SCROLL below to view images and to read the student's description of (and the motivation behind) their MDP.

The rate of homelessness in Australia has been a significant issue for many years, exacerbated by the outbreak of Covid-19, with widespread loss of jobs. There are roughly 117,000 homeless people in Australia. Many organisations like Mission Australia, One Voice, and the Salvation Army provide short-term solutions of accommodation that are unsustainable in the long term.

Whenever I go to the city or any highly-populated area, I frequently notice homeless people. It makes me feel upset that this is happening and that most approaches seem reactionary and don't provide more permanent results. I wanted to develop a solution to help people who can't help themselves.

I have created a system/environment that will help combat long term homelessness all over Australia. Not only providing people with long-stay accommodation, food and medical assistance but opportunities to get jobs and further education. I created simple and functional tiny houses to get individuals off the streets and into a safe place. The houses are in a radial layout around central buildings that offer a place, amongst other things, to learn new job skills, so they are empowered to provide for themselves. This provision of holistic help and a sense of community is what makes my project valuable and innovative.