Emily S


Preserved Moments


Graphite on paper, 4 pieces 76 cm x 56cm

1 digital animation 1.32 minutes duration

'Preserved Moments' - 33102143 (1).mov

Fridges keep food fresh, but they also preserve something else - moments in time, memories, experiences - all captured by a collage of photographs, magnets, drawings, and birthday cards. "Preserved Moments" explores how parents attempt to capture their children's fleeting childhood in photos and various objects.

These transient moments that make up our childhoods can often be found in the most mundane places: pinboards, hanging calendars, and refrigerator doors. It's in these cluttered spaces around our homes that the flotsam and jetsam of our memories collect - and it is these cluttered spaces that "Preserved Moments" hinges on.

The whole idea of growing up is so fascinating to me - We often live each moment anchored firmly in the present and will quickly lose track of it as it flows into the past. Going through the memorabilia of my earlier years was a visceral experience because each photograph, merit award, or old drawing brings me back to the different eras of childhood. Whilst we carry on with life and make new memories, these objects and photographs preserve the special moments of the past.