Spiced Corn Flour Tortilla

Recipe can be found at @ Zesty South Indian Kitchen

What you need

Yellow corn flour/ Masa Harina: 11/2 cup

Whole wheat flour: ½ cup

Salt: ¼ teaspoon

Cumin powder: ½ teaspoon

Cayane pepper; ½ teaspoon

Warm water: 11/3 cups

How I made

In a medium bowl add yellow corn flour, whole wheat flour, salt, cumin powder, cayenne pepper and mix well. To this gradually add water to form smooth dough. Knead well and set aside.

Divide the dough into 12 equal portions and take each ball of dough and place it in a board lined with Ziploc bag, cover with another Ziploc bag and using a roller spread the dough 5-6 inch into thin circle.

Heat a dry large cast-iron skillet or griddle over medium heat until hot, and then cook tortillas, turning once, until puffed and browned in spots, 2 minutes on each side. Transfer to a plate and cover with a kitchen towel.

Roll out and cook 11 more tortillas, stacking them on plate. Repeat until entire dough is finished.

Serve warm with any spicy curry.