"Join a Forest of Hands in Rebuilding Daxingan Ling," a concert (1987)

Join a Forest of Hands in Rebuilding Daxingan Ling 向大兴安岭伸出森林般之手

A major forest fire raged over China's Daxingan Ling in 1987. Responding to the call to help in rebuilding the forest, numerous fund-raising activities were held in the U.S. by groups who were concern about the devastation. In Boston, NACA-Boston, together with the Chinese Student & Visiting Scholars Association-Boston, U.S.-China Peoples Friendship Association-New England, and Chinese Progress Association joinly sponsored a fund-raising program, which consisted of performances in music, dance and movie. It was held at M.I.T.'s Kresge Auditorium which could accommodate an audience of over a thousand persons, and which was obtained free of charge for the event. Many musicians from China volunteered their talent for the program making it possible to raise a substantial amount of fund, which was donated to organizations responsible for rebuilding the destroyed forests in the Daxingan Ling in northeastern China. The picture below shows the performing artists responding to the applause of the audience at the conclusion of the music program.