A New Era in U.S.-China Relations

"A New Era in U.S.-China Relations" (1979)

(The following article is taken from the Newsletter of NACA-Boston Chaper, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1979)

Events of monumental dimensions have happened since our last issue of the Newsletter. In particular, on December 15 [1978], President Carter announced the normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China, and the establishment diplomatic relations on January 1, 1979. Immediately following that, it was the visit of China's Vice Premier Deng to the U.S. on January 28. These events are naturnally of great significance to the status of all Chinese Americans in general, and to our Association in particular.

Soon after President Carter's announcement of normalization of relations with China, our [Boston] Chapter responded by inviting the Center for International Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to join in organizing a symposium on "A New Era in U.S.-China Relations" to call to attention the many new opportunities which would be available to the American and Chinese people as a consequence of such normalization of relations. The symposium lasted for two days. Several important speakers were invited to present their views. Senator Tsongas [of Massachusetts] came in person to address the symposium, which was a great success. It was well-attended on both days and was given comprehensive media coverage.

On January 30, NACA together with the U.S.-China People's Friendship Association invited China's visiting Vice Premier Deng to a banquet in Washington, DC. Several members of the Boston Chapter attended the event. [End of article]

* A report of the symposium in Chinese is included in the Newsletter .

Dr. An Wang welcomes the panelists and participants.