Symposium on "A New Era in U.S.-China Relations"

The symposium speakers are:

U.S. Senator-elect, Paul Tsongas

Mr. Julian Sobin, President Sobin Chemicals

Dr. C. K. Jen, Associate Director (Emeritus), Applied Physics Lab, Johns Hopkins Univ.

(Moderator) Prof. C. C. Lin, Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Prof. Walter Rosenblith, Provost, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Dr. Mary Bullock, Staff Director, Committee on Scholarly Exchange with P.R.C.

Prof. Lucien Pye, Vice Chairman, National Committee on U.S.-China Relations

Prof. Ping-ti Ho, Thompson Professor of History, University of Chicago

(Moderator) Prof. Eugene Skolnikoff, Director, Center for International Studies, M.I.T.