
Vocational Scenario or Context

You have recently started working for ‘Care at Home’ Care agency as a Care Worker. As part of your induction you have been shadowing a Senior Care Worker. It is now time for the Senior Care Worker to assess you as you go to support 2 individuals in their own homes. These individuals will become part of your caseload when you start working independently.

The Care Manager at the Care Agency has provided you with an overview of the care plans and has asked you to prepare a report saying how anti-discriminatory practice has been achieved

Your report must include all of the following:

  • An evaluation of the success of promoting anti-discriminatory practice for your selected individuals

P1 Explain the importance of promoting equality and diversity for individuals with different needs.

M1 Analyse the impact of preventing discrimination for individuals with different needs.

D1 Evaluate the success of promoting anti-discriminatory practice for specific individuals with different needs.

Promoting anti-discriminatory practice


1. What is anti -discriminatory practice? https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/anti-discriminatory+practice

2. Explain 4 different types of discrimination unfair, direct, indirect, positive, p5 https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/what-are-the-different-types-of-discrimination/ or (M.Billingham et al, 2016)

For each case study:

1. Explain all the reasons each case study could be discriminated against. (Protected characteristics) https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/equality-act/protected-characteristics

2. Analyse the potential effects of discrimination (negatives) page 5 https://www.reference.com/world-view/potential-effects-discrimination-4c14e197b95d7fca

3. Analyse why is it important to prevent discrimination for each case study (positives)? Explain effects of discrimination and the effects of care that promotes positive self-concept.

4. Evaluate to what extent anti-discriminatory practice is promoted for each case study.

Jim resources



Incontinence and furosemide


Methodism and alcohol


Age - see PowerPoint at bottom

Rob resources



Age and stroke


For distinction standard, learners will select material from the provided case studies which allows them to explore the issues surrounding equality and diversity, and preventing discrimination, and how successfully promoting anti-discriminatory practice has been achieved for each case study.

Learners must use detailed analysis and research to reach reasoned and valid conclusions and recommendations. Learners must demonstrate clear understanding of all of the terminology used in a health and social care context.


Unit 5 textbook

Case Studies for Unit 5 Meeting-Individual-Care-and-Support-Needs (Version 5 October 2020) (1).docx

Case studies

Jim - Driving model.pptx

Jim model P1 M1 driving

Model D1 Jim.pptx

D1 model Jim

presentation_lievesley_evidence_of_age_discrimination_dec_2013 (1).ppt

Age discrimination PowerPoint