
This task is based upon information given by the teacher on, different health and social care settings.

For two individuals one from each setting produce a report which:

•      Evaluates the application of psychological perspectives in their respective settings, in enabling the professionals to enhance their social functioning

•      Evaluates the importance of the psychological perspectives in helping the professionals to understand the development and behaviour of your two individuals

•      Assesses the impact of using the psychological perspectives in the settings, with regard to enhancing the social functioning of the two users of the services

•      Compares the application of the different perspectives in each of the two, health and social care settings

P5 Compare the application of psychological perspectives in local health and social care settings.

P6 Explain how professionals use psychological perspectives to improve the social functioning of selected service users.

M3 Assess the impact of the use of psychological perspectives in local health and social care settings, in enabling professionals to enhance the social functioning of selected service users.

D2 Evaluate the application of psychological perspectives in local health and social care settings in enabling professionals to enhance the social functioning of selected service users.

D3 Evaluate the importance of the psychological perspectives used in health and social care settings, in relation to understanding human development and managing and treating behaviours to enhance the social functioning of service users.

Applying psychological perspectives to different settings


Your settings, what, where, who are the staff and service users.


1. Compare and evaluate how the settings apply psychological perspectives. Use evidence from teacher input - see padlet, policies and procedures, Ofsted or CQC reports.

Link to:

• Concept of role.

• Conformity to minority/majority.

• Influence, e.g. Asch.

• Conformity to social roles e.g. Zimbardo.

• Obedience, e.g. Milgram.

• Attitude change, e.g. Festinger.

• Factors influencing hostility and aggression.

Manor Wood Nursery - carrmanorcccom.wordpress.com/ 

Ofsted report - https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50021809

Emilia Reggio - http://www.aneverydaystory.com/beginners-guide-to-reggio-emilia/main-principles/

Policies and procedures- see key information on school website http://www.carrmanor-pri.leeds.sch.uk/

Tealbeck - www.carechoices.co.uk/care-location/teal-beck-house-in-leeds-west-yorkshire/ 

CQC Report - https://www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-126242199

Applying psychological perspectives to 2 service users to improve social functioning

2. Explain what social functioning is. http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Social_functioning

3. Introduce both of your case studies

Mary is 85 and suffering from the later stages of Alzheimer’s for 6 years. She is a non-verbal communicator. She can walk and is mobile. She likes to pace. She will not sit for long periods of time so meal times are a struggle. She weighs 6 stone. As part of her care plan staff have to try to offer finger foods to get her to eat something.

She is fiercely independent and private and doesn’t like to be washed. Staff have all been trained so they take a consistent approach to washing her. She is washed in a vest to try to maintain her modesty. This has helped to reduce the amount she lashes out. Staff are also trained in positive behaviour handling including the use of restraint training to protect themselves and other residents. Staff also use the ABC approach to try to understand why Mary lashes out.

The care home has had Mary assessed for a Deprivation of Liberty order which is now in place legally. The care home has had some issues with following the legislation as evidenced in their CQC report. However, the new Manager is well aware of the need to follow the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and has asked Anchor for a consultant to ensure the laws are correctly applied.

Staff have worked with Mary’s daughter who is a qualified nurse to take a full life history to ensure that meaningful activities are available for her. For example, she worked in a nursery and enjoys looking after babies. The home has brought her an Alzheimer’s doll which has helped to calm her condition.

She is takes medication - Memantine to slow down the progression of the disease. Her medication was prescribed by the dementia consultant and is reviewed regularly by her GP.



Dementia care in Anchor homes link to humanistic-http://www.anchor.org.uk/our-care/dementia-care

Behaviourial - ABC approach - https://dementiacarenotes.in/caregivers/toolkit/behavior-challenges/#trigger

Positive Behaviour Handling - https://positive-response.co.uk/about-do.php

Deprivation of Liberty - Link to Maslow's Hierachy- https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/info/20032/legal_and_financial/129/deprivation_of_liberty_safeguards_dols

Life history - link to behaviour and cognitive stimlutation thearpy - https://www.scie.org.uk/dementia/living-with-dementia/keeping-active/activity-resources.asp

Use of Dolls - Link to Humanistic approach and social learning as gives Mary a sense of role - https://www.nursingtimes.net/using-dolls-to-enhance-the-wellbeing-of-people-with-dementia/5020017.article


Use of drugs - link to biological - https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/info/20162/drugs/105/drug_treatments_for_alzheimers_disease

reminiscence therapy - link to App and Psychodynamic https://www.gillhams.com/site/library/trust/william_tyler_talk_october_2014.html


George, is 4 he goes to Manor Wood Pre – School and nursery he started there when he was 2. When he started he enjoyed making things and playing outside he had well developed fine and gross motor skills for his age. He didn’t really like talking and struggled to form sentences. He was a little shy when he started as he didn’t like talking to the other children. He used to say he had no friends. His favourite things were Paw Patrol and Super Heroes.  

Manor Wood referred him to the SENCO and a speech therapist as he had problems forming hard sounds such as th, r, p in comparison to his peers. The speech therapist worked with the nursery and family to complete exercises to improve his speech. These included activities such as nursery rhymes which repeated the same sounds.

Amy, George’s key worker paired him up with 2 other children called Zane and Racheal who also had not made many friends. As George’s confidence grew he became friends with 2 older boys in the nursery. He used to copy their games and they used to encourage him to be like them, as a result he became more interested in Transformers. Now he also refuses to play with girls “because he is boy”.  His favourite colour used to be pink and he chose a pink school bag and was not bothered about using his sister’s old flowery wellies. However, now he has an orange bag as he says “pink is a girl’s colour”.

George was still in nappies when he joined nursery. Home and nursery worked in partnership to potty train George. To get him in to the routine of going to the toilet Amy used to take him with the other children who were potty trained to the toilet so he could learn what to do from them. At home and nursery, he got a sticker if he used the toilet. As he got better the rewards were reduced but continued for washing his hands as he often used to forget.

The nursery monitor George’s progress against the Early Years Framework to check he is meeting his developmental norms.

He is very logical for his age and likes to think about how to draw and make things.  He can concentrate on one task for a long time for his age. The nursery work with George in accordance with Emilio Reggio theory to allow him to develop his skills through projects that he is interested in. At the moment George is working on the “Danger project” which is all about dangerous things such as volcanoes.


Behaviourist  - Speech Therapy - https://www.nhs.uk/Video/Pages/Speechandlanguagetherapy.aspx

Cognitive and Biological  Early Years Framework - see development summary at end of George's Learning Journey - see EYFS at bottom Learning Goals p10-12 - Link to Piaget's pre -operational stage - https://www.verywellmind.com/piagets-stages-of-cognitive-development-2795457 Link to Gesell's maturation theory - http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Arnold_Gesell

Behaviourist and Social Learning Theory - potty training - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/potty-training-tips/  Psychodynamic - Anal Stage - https://www.simplypsychology.org/psychosexual.html , https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/nappies_potty_training_etc/560549-freud-s-psychology-of-potty-training-is-it-true 

Humanistic - Emilia Reggio - http://www.aneverydaystory.com/beginners-guide-to-reggio-emilia/main-principles/

Gender roles - Psychodynamic - Phallic Stage - https://www.simplypsychology.org/psychosexual.html Social learning - http://www.psychlotron.org.uk/newResources/developmental/AS_AQB_gender_SLTBasics.pdf

4. Evaluate how each setting uses psychological perspectives to improve social functioning of each case study. As part of your evaluation make some recommendations which could improve Mary's and George's care and social functioning.

Link to:

The importance of psychological perspectives

5. Evaluate the importance of psychological perspectives to understanding human development and managing and treating behaviours to enhance the social functioning of service users.

Suggested structure:

Manor Wood

Introduction - What are the psychological perspectives? What other ways (Promoting Independence, Empowerment, Care Value Base, EYF, Emilia Reggio) Manor Wood can, understand human development, manage and treating behaviours and enhance social functioning ?

Evaluate the importance of psychological perspectives V Care Value base, Early Years Framework, Emilia Reggio to:

Recommendations to improve. Should all staff have basic training on psychological perspectives?



Teal beck

Introduction - What are the psychological perspectives? What are other ways (Promoting Independence, Empowerment, Care Value Base, and CQC requirements) Teal beck  can, understand human development, manage and treating behaviours and enhance social functioning?

Evaluate the importance of psychological perspectives V Care Value base, CQC requirements to:

Recommendations to improve. Should all staff have basic training on psychological perspectives?



Manor Wood - articles from Nursery World - https://www.nurseryworld.co.uk/news/article/separation-anxiety-don-t-go

Teal Beck

mental Health guidance - https://www.scie.org.uk/publications/guides/guide03/

For distinction standard, learners will articulate their arguments and views concisely and professionally to justify conclusions on the behaviour of two different service users in health and social care settings. They must use detailed analysis and research to make recommendations and proposals on the practices in two different health and social care settings.

Model – Comparison and evaluation.pptx

Model comparison and evaluation

4. Notes on Mary.pptx

Mary notes

notes George.pptx

George Notes



Psychological Perspectives for Care.pdf

Psychology in HSC