Daily Reading July to December

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July October

August November

September December

Christmas Readings


Cherokee Bible Reading Plan Bi-Lingual: English & Cherokee

Reading increases language comprehension.

Good quality reading material is a BONUS!

Now you can follow this schedule and Read through all the (existing) portions of the Cherokee Bible in just one Calendar Year.

The Links below show the selections

in the English translation,

in the Cherokee Syllabary


in the Cherokee Phonetics

so that students of any age or level can use this tool!

Please report corrections/mistakes to 888.743.7775

leave your name, contact information please so if we have questions we may clarify how best to make the corrections.

NOTE: all these pages are still under construction

so if you wanna help,

let us know!

Volunteers are WELCOME!


The scriptures are from the CHEROKEE BIBLE PROJECT.


We will add more selections to this reading chart

as the CHEROKEE BIBLE PROJECT makes them available

Find the NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS online here New Testament

Find the OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS online here Old Testament BUT we also have PSALMS below as a PDF file

Due to popular demand,

we have found a way to print books for those who want them-- you may order your own copy of these scriptures in PRINT at this link: Printed Copies

[note: for those worried or concerned about such things, we want to point out the cost of those copies is not profitable and merely covers the paper, the print on demand option, the covers, and sundry associated costs of producing them but we only provide them for those who don't want to print these out on their on computer/printer]