article 18


The New Hampshire Confession of Faith


ca. 1880 by unidentified translators

published in 1880 in Tahlequah, Oklahoma

XVIII. Of the World to Come ᏐᎢ ᏩᏕᏂᎯᏍᏗ ᏗᎨᏒᎢ

We believe that the end of the world is approaching; that at the Last Day Christ will

descend from heaven, and raise the dead from the grave to final retribution; that a solemn

separation will then take place; that the wicked will be adjudged to endless punishment,

and the righteous to endless joy; and that this judgment will fix forever the final state of

men in heaven or hell, on principles of righteousness.

I Peter 4:7; I Cor. 7:29-31; Heb. 1:10-12; Matt. 24:35; I John 2:17; Matt. 28:20; Matt.

13:39-40; II Peter 3:3-13; Acts 1:11; Rev. 1:7; Heb. 9:28; Acts 3:21; I Thess 4:13-18; I

Thess. 5:1-11; Acts 24:15; I Cor. 15:12-58; Luke 14:14; Dan. 12:2 John 5:28-29; John

6:40; John 11:25-26; II Tim. 1:10; Acts 10:42; Matt. 13:49; Matt. 13:37-43; Matt. 24:30-

31; Matt. 25:31-46; Rev. 22:11; I Cor. 6:9-10; Mark 9:43-48; II Peter 2:9; Jude7; Phil.

3:19; Rom. 6:23; II Cor. 5:10-11; John 4:36; II Cor. 4:18; Rom. 3:5-6; II Thess. 1:6-12:

Heb. 6:1-2; I Cor. 4:5; Acts 17:31; Rom. 2:2-16; Rev.20:11-12; I John 2:28; I John 4:17;

II Peter 3:11-12