May, 5th Sunday, Year B

Year B November 2014 - November 2015 Year B (2014 - 2015)

  • Advent
  • Christmas
  • Friends Made Celebration
  • Epiphany
  • Lent
  • Spring Moon
  • Holy Week
  • Easter
  • New Corn
  • Season after Pentecost
  • Green Corn
  • Creation
  • Brush Arbors

When a congregation hears, sings, prays, and listens to the words and images of common scriptures over the course of several years, their connection to those texts is deepened significantly.

Drawing from a common set of texts means that Believers in Tsisa will be hearing and reflecting on the same scriptures and themes. Sometimes they are even singing the same hymns.

Readings for the Coming Week

Trinity Sunday (May 31, 2015)

  • First reading and Psalm
    • Isaiah 6:1-8
    • Psalm 29
  • Second reading
    • Romans 8:12-17
  • Gospel
    • John 3:1-17

Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth (May 31, 2015)

  • First reading and Psalm
    • 1 Samuel 2:1-10
    • Psalm 113
  • Second reading
    • Romans 12:9-16b
  • Gospel
    • Luke 1:39-57