Uke 37

Knapphet eller overflod

Krypton Community College er en ganske annerledes sammenslutning av kloke mennesker som er villige til å tenke utdanning på helt nye måter.

I innlegget "Scarcity And Abundance In Education" fastslås det at høyere utdanning har vært basert på knapphet, og de mest presisjefylte univeritetene alltid har kunnet velge hvem de ville ha som studenter.

Med framveksten av MOOCer i hopetall kan dette bli snudd på hodet: den enkelte student kan velge fritt blant en overflod av tilbud. Læring blir for læringens skyld, ikke for å få et diplom eller en grad.


"The old system isn't going away. I still want my surgeon and my engineer to be certified and to prove that they've learned what they were supposed to learn. But more and more of the education we're valuing today is about the soft skills of decision making and creativity and most of all, about the choice to grow and step up. And that sort of learning doesn't easily happen in a scarcity-based institution.

Learn what you want to learn.

Pick yourself.

Do it often.

Don't do it for proof, do it because the learning itself is worth it.

Organize and teach and lead, because it's a great way to learn, because it's the right thing to do and because it is a new sort of scarcity, the scarcity of people who care."