Nature And Me.
A Poem by P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books,
When I appear there Nature seems to
Laugh and laugh and laugh,
When I disappear she is prone to
Weep and weep and weep.
Withdraws all clouds from sky to set a
Splendid scenery
So that, me raising from the river
Afresh may there espy.
Whether it sun or shower or snow or
Storm, when I arise
To set my arms, the setting Sun
Certainly will be there.
Women who go to the river for bathing
Choose my choicy time
So that, there they may bathe in warm and
Yellow sunshine time.
Now here a plant blossoms and blooms and
Soon another there,
Now Spring is reappearing; with her
Bring all beauties back.
Nature is dancing with her rhythmic
Steps and divine smile;
Why can't I row a boat here, swaying
To and fro on waves ?
The valleys wear their flowery carpets,
And the mountains are
Once again clad in colours; thus a
Sylvan scene is set.
White cranes are there always on serene
Haunted islets sit,
Or stand by whiter cows there grazing
O'er the lushy green.
Suppose some Beauty glance and dance in
This wild atmosphere,
Then surely that's a dance to see, where
Mother Nature dance.
So Nature takes the pen out of my
Hand and writes for me,
So, that there me, the clouds and cranes and
Cows and waves witness.