013. Song Of The Rain.

Song Of The Rain. Kahlil Gibran. Recast in the true poetic form by P.S.Remesh Chandran.

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum.

By PSRemeshChandra, 11th Apr 2011 | Follow this author | RSS Feed | Short URL http://nut.bz/lbv9utb9/ Posted in Wikinut>Poetry

It is alleged that Kahlil Gibran hid his exquisite tunes behind a mask of blank verse to prevent the dull wits and the half wits of his times from enjoying his songs. This song is for the first time recast in the true poetic form by Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum so that all the world may sing. It is expected that beautiful orchestrations of this immortal song will follow from other quarters of the world..

Clouds in the Sky.

Through the skies she comes, down to the earth, to sustain a planet.

Song Of The Rain is included in Kahlil Gibran's famous collection of poems Tears And Laughter. It is written in the form of the rain herself singing her song as she comes down. In scientific perfection, this song can be compared only to P.B.Shelley's Ode To The West Wind, which will leave readers which one excels. Rain is beautifully personified in this song. Gibran was a close observer of not only human nature, but nature's creations and elements also. It is the first time in literary history that someone tells about the inner feelings and thrill of the rain in pouring out, spreading on the ground, seeping into the inner bowels of the earth and sustaining this planet.

Rain on Trees

Dotted silver threads, delivering love messages.

Rain is dotted silver threads dropped from heaven by Gods, which nature takes away then to adorn her fields and valleys. She is beautiful pearls plucked by the Daughter of Dawn from some sovereign's crown, to embellish her gardens. The clouds and fields are lovers and she is a messenger between them. By pouring out the rain cures the cloud, and by coming down to the ground she quenches the thirst of the field. The voice of thunder declares her arrival and the rainbow her departure. When she cries coming down the skies the hills laugh, when she reaches the ground the flowers rejoice, and when she has seeped down deep into the soil all things are elated.

Shelter in Rain under a Tree.

Listen to the rain: it's an incessant song.

Rain emerges from the heart of the sea and soars with the breeze. When she sees a field in need, she descends and downpours and embraces the flowers and trees in her own million little ways. In human houses, she touches the windows with soft gentle fingers and all can hear her welcome song which but the sensitive can understand. She is born out of heat in the air which in her turn she kills, exactly as a woman overcomes a man with the strength she takes from him. Rain is the sigh of the sea, the laughter of the field and the tears of the Heaven and Love. One will wonder how scientific and close Kahlil Gibran was. It was as if he entered the very soul of the Rain to sing on her behalf. This song is only one of Gibran's many exquisite creations. Just listen to the rain: it is the tune that made this song. Gibran did not invent or create a tune for this song, he copied it.

Wet Grass after Winter Rain.

Rivers, meadows and mountains all sing songs after rain.

As the rain reaches earth, life in the planet rejuvenates. Rivers, rivulets, streams, ponds, lakes, lagoons and oceans replenishes. Nature appears as if she has been washed out clean and lain to dry in sunshine. Grass turns lush green, squirrels birds and cows come out and the sky is once more serene. Rivers, meadows and mountains all sing songs after a rain.

Rainbow above Water.

Song Of The Rain. The Poem Recast.


[Slightly edited and recast in the true

poetic form by P.S.Remesh Chandran, Editor,

Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum.]

I am dotted silver - threads

Dropped from heaven by Gods,

Nature takes me then - to

Adorn her fields and valleys.

I am beautiful pearls - plucked

From the crown of Ishtar,

By the daughter of Dawn - to

Embellish her gardens.

A Song Thrush after a Torrential Downpour.

Rain, the most joyful thing in this world.

When I cry the hills laugh - and

When I humble myself

The flowers rejoice, and when I

Bow, all things are elated.

The 'field and cloud are lovers - me a

Messenger of mercy between them,

I quench the thirst of the field - and

Cure th'ailment of the cloud.

The 'voice of thunder declares

My 'arrival and the rainbow

A'nnounces my departure - 'am like

Earthly life which begins at

The 'feet of mad elements, ends

Un'der th'upraised wings of death.

Green Pasteure, blessing of the Rain.

I gently touch the windows with my soft fingers.

Heart 'of the sea I emerge from - and

Soar with the breeze. When I see

A 'field in need I descend and

Em'brace the flowers and trees - in my

'Million little ways.

I 'gently touch the windows

With my s'oft fingers - And my

An'nouncement is a welcome - song

'All can hear but only - the sensi-

Tive can understand.

Rain on House front and Pavement.

I am the laughter of the field.

I 'am the sigh of the sea,

The laughter of the field,

The 'tears of the Heaven,

'And so is with love.

Sighs 'from deep sea of affection,

Laugh'ter from colourful field

Of 'spirit; and tears from th'endless

'Heaven of memories.


Pictures Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons.



Arabic Poets, Kahlil Gibran, Lebanese Poets, P S Remesh Chandran, Sahyadri Books And Bloom Books Trivandrum, Song Of The Rain, Tears And Laughter

Meet the author


Editor of Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum. Author of several books in English and in Malayalam. And also author of Swan : The Intelligent Picture Book.

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15th Apr 2011 (#)

Rain is legendary. It is what caused and preserved life in this planet. Life which arrived in some meteorite particle and remained in the sky was brought down to the earth in a rain. When it rained incessantly for months and months, the world submerged in floods but Noah with a few samples of life forms escaped in his Ark. When water subsided he offered a sacrifice and prayer to God who solaced and assured man that he will never again destroy world through water. As a token of his covenant, he laid his beautiful bow on the rain clouds. After the rain, when the rainbow appears God is reminded of his promise to man that he will not destroy the world again with rain. It is true, after the rainbow there is no rain, though there is excellent scientific reason for the same.


17th Apr 2011 (#)

Great compilation.

A true literary commentary on the poetry of the spiritual poet Kahlil Gibran.


16th Apr 2011 (#)

The Rain.

I think none of us can compose,

Such exquisite rainy poetry, as did Kahlill Gibran of yesterdays.

We all are more prosaic than the poetic poets

Of today.

Let us hope some day ,

We can compose poems, Kahlill Gibran's

Inimitable way.