007. The Rise of China, by keeping their people in chains.

India Current Affairs Article.

The rise of China.


PSRemeshChandra. says:

May 3, 2011 at 11:17 am

The Rise of China, by keeping their people in chains.

In the eyes of civilized people, balance sheets of industrial and economic growth are not the index of progress. It is the degree of tolerance the country achieves that is considered the index of progress. Keeping their people in chains and subjecting the citizens of neighbouring countries into aggression and tyranny, any nation in this world can gain material prosperities. But nations with a conscience choose to remain poor rather than sacrificing the confidence and good will of the people of countries like Hong Kong, Nepal, Tibet and Taiwan. From the time of Confucius and Gautama Buddha, sanctity of a nation’s identity and individual existence has been respected beyond everything by rulers in the Orient. When has respect and esteem of a nation been begun to be considered second to physical prosperity and carnal pleasures in the Orient?